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The story behind Farmington Presbyterian Manor’s ‘Turtle Garden’

If you’ve ever spent any time around Farmington Presbyterian Manor, you’ve most likely either encountered—or at least heard about—the group of turtles who inhabit the community’s main courtyard.

Unlike most of our other residents, these slow-moving reptiles may be a little hard to get out of their shells, but they have none-the-less become beloved members of our campus community.

But just how did they get here?

The story goes that several years ago, on his way to work, a Farmington Presbyterian Manor staff member saw a small turtle trying to cross a busy road near the community. Afraid the turtle wouldn’t make it, the staff member rescued it and brought it to the community for safekeeping until the turtle could be safely released later in the day.

However, when the staff member went back to retrieve the turtle, he noticed a resident sitting by a window near the courtyard happily watching the turtle explore its new surroundings.

Seeing that and knowing that the courtyard is enclosed by walls on all four sides—making it as safe as anywhere—it was decided that the turtle should stay.

Over the years, more turtles have been added and each summer the community welcomes at least one new group of hatchlings.

To see them for yourself—along with the rest of our community—schedule a campus tour today. Just contact Keely Jameson at 573-756-6768 or at

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