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Nursing comes naturally for Loren Rickmar

Some people spend their entire lives in search of a career that fits both their personality and skill set.

Loren Rickmar, however, was one of the lucky ones.

Going into nursing right after high school graduation, Loren became an LPN at 19 years old and an RN at the age of 20.

“I have always loved helping people,” said Loren. “Even as a child and through my teen years, I enjoyed tutoring and helping people with things.”

Eleven years later, Loren has had a wide variety of experiences in the nursing field ranging from skilled home health to acute psychiatric care, but it has been her time in long-term care that helped her find her niche.

“I have learned a lot about the geriatric population while working in long-term care and have found that they are truly my ‘love,’” said Loren.

One aspect of long-term care that Loren especially appreciates is her ability to develop relationships with those she cares for.

“I love working in long-term care because I am able to really get to know the residents. I get to hear their life stories and become close to them. This also allows nurses like me to be able to identify a change in their health status quicker,” said Loren.

During her time at Farmington Presbyterian Manor, Loren has been an RN supervisor, a Minimum Data Set nurse, a case manager and is currently the assistant director of nursing. Through all of those positions, Loren has enjoyed the comradery and genuine care shared among her coworkers.

“It is truly a family-like atmosphere,” said Loren. “We are always willing to help each other.”

That sense of caring is something Loren feels from all levels of the organization. From the annual employee picnic and holiday parties to pizza lunches for accident-free months, the community’s administration is constantly finding new ways to show staff that they are appreciated.

However, due to COVID many of those events are temporarily on hold.

“I also am proud that we have been so on top of everything with COVID, but hopefully it will be over soon so we can resume those things,” said Loren.

As much as she misses those things, they aren’t why Loren comes to work every day. For her, it’s all about the residents.

“The residents are part of my family. My main concern every day is to make sure they are safe and taken care of to the best of our ability,” said Loren.

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