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In the spotlight: Environmental Services

Every year in September, we celebrate a very special team of employees and their hard work on our campus during Environmental Services Week. This year, more than ever, we are especially grateful for their commitment to keeping our community clean and in tiptop shape as we’ve battled COVID-19.

“One of the things I'm most thankful for this year because of COVID-19 is that we managed to keep the virus at bay for months before having our resident test positive. A lot of communities haven't been that fortunate,” said Shane Bone, environmental services director.

The environmental services team currently has 16 on staff and two more are expected to join soon. Get to know a few members of the team that represent maintenance, housekeeping and laundry.

Vivian Hillsberry

Works in: Laundry (pictured above, left)

How long have you worked at Farmington Presbyterian Manor?

Since July 8, 2019

What are your responsibilities on the team?

Cleaning the residents’ clothes. If I’m on the floor with the housekeeper, I help keep the rooms clean.

What do you enjoy about working at the Presbyterian Manor?

Just watching the residents, talking with them and my co-workers. Just about everything! I really enjoy working here. But I especially like the residents.

How do you like to spend your free time?

Reading Amish stories and fishing.

Jeff Mahurin

Works in: Maintenance (pictured above, middle)

How long have you worked at Farmington Presbyterian Manor?

Two years.

What are your responsibilities on the team?

When residents ask me to do something, I go do it. Pretty much just taking care of the residents’ needs.

What do you enjoy about working at the Presbyterian Manor?

The biggest thing that I enjoy here at [Presbyterian] Manor is making these people happy because this is their home. Now they’re in our care. The biggest thing is to make this feel like a home.

How do you like to spend your free time?

Hunting, fishing, woodworking. I like to get out in the woods. For woodworking I make signs and things for my daughter and my wife, – they do craft shows. I cut them out and sand them, they paint them up.

Nancy Neel

Works in: Housekeeping Services (pictured above, right)

How long have you worked at Farmington Presbyterian Manor?

I’ve been here since May 22, 2009.

What are your responsibilities on the team?

I work in the assisted living building.

What do you enjoy about working at the Presbyterian Manor?

Definitely the residents. My number one priority is the residents. They make me smile; they make me laugh. I love to hear their stories. They have so much wisdom. Listening back to the older days and how far we’ve come. My priority is learning from them, their experiences. I thoroughly enjoy them and being able to help and do whatever I can for them. I love my job!

How do you like to spend your free time?

I love yard work and getting outside. Reading and listening to music – music frees my mind up and makes me relax. If I get tense, music heals my soul.

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